Live in Florida, just stumbled across this. Not sure who you are, beyond how you're identifying here. But Trump WAS that far wrong about the Aurora apartment complex thing. The New York Times was closer to the truth than Trump was.

Which I know ain't saying much.

Admittedly if I'd known about this substack, had been subscribed all this time, I'd be appreciative of the nuances around here that might suggest you, um, forget to mention this. But as it is, and since I was allowed, I figured I'd go ahead and mention that.

I guess the subtext here is small papers need friends. But not that much they don't.

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At practically every rally Trump pointed to the press box and called journalists the enemy of the American people. This is what Trump voters wanted.

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Anger is a self-imposed penalty incurred when perceiving someone else. Some readers are familiar with PTSD. 2003-11 years were the Second Gulf War. 19yo. Heroes only want to do the right thing.

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