Re printing press releases: At very least, put a byline that says "Press release provided by xxx." At next least, rewrite the darn thing. Takes three minutes to put on a new lede, cut out self-serving quotes ... find the news and rewrite. Another case of lazy editing. If you need to fill space, run photos larger.

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I really appreciate your work and look fwd to your reports every time. I’m not the only one who thinks accountability journalists should first tackle the accountability of their own work before attempting to label themselves as credible with accountability. I find it hard to believe that the editors of the Gazette media business care much about someone being falsely accused and in jail considering what their investigative editor Christopher Osher does in attempting to put people in jail without being honest or accountable. If anyone is interested in taking a deep dive into my investigation of the facts that were uncovered about the Gazette’s editor Chris Osher in exactly this type of case where he takes credit for causing an arrest that was a result of his own lack of care, and for which he remains unaccountable to discuss it, see my investigation into the facts here: https://dembot.net/on-humanwire/ When confronted about this investigation which shows significant abuse of journalistic ethics, both Deam and Osher blocked it out on Twitter but no one has ever denied a single point. Others including yourself Corey have linked to it and separately you have discussed how the Gazette does not uphold journalistic standards, eg in your post about the Gazette blowing smoke: https://www.cjr.org/united_states_project/colorado_springs_gazette_marijuana.php

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YDA premiere was incredible, can corroborate.

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